Quotes in the Archive
2-8 March 2025 | "A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado, I slipped and fell into the wet concrete below -- they buried me in that great tomb that knows no sound, but I am still around -- I'll always be around and around and around and around and around and around and around." -J. Webb, 1977 |
23 February - 1 March 2025 | "Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, at the speed of light time slowly passes." -G. Nash & S. Fontayne, 2016 |
16-22 February 2025 | "The sky is clearing and the night has cried enough." -S. Stills, 1970 |
9-15 February 2025 | "I'll look out of that window at the towering sky, and I'll think to myself ... How lucky am I that I have my home and I live here like a baby in a blanket with nothing to fear." -Crosby/Raymond, 2017 |
2-8 February 2025 | "I spent 15 years in college -- I have more degrees than a thermometer." -Dr. Phil, 2003 |
26 January - 1 February 2025 | "I sailed a schooner round the Horn to Mexico -- I went aloft to furl the mainsail in a blow -- And when the yards broke off they said that I got killed -- but I am living still." -J. Webb, 1977 |
19-25 January 2025 | "I was a sailor -- I was born upon the tide -- and with the sea I did abide." -J. Webb, 1977 |
12-18 January 2025 | "I can see your hands are roughened by the wheel and the rope, I like to look to you for hope." -D. Crosby, 1977 |
5-11 January 2025 | "No, I better not look -- I just might be in there." -Foghorn Leghorn, 1953 |
29 December 2024 - 4 January 2025 | "We are but a moment's sunlight fading in the grass." -C. Powers, 1963 |
22-28 December 2024 | "There's a fire that burns away the lies, manifesting in the spiritual eye -- Though you won't understand the way I feel, you conceal, all there is to know. And, that's the way it goes." -G. Harrison, 1984 |
15-21 December 2024 | "I can see that black horizon, looming ever close to view; it's over now, it's not my fault -- see how this feels for you." -J. Wetton, 1983 |
8-14 December 2024 | "You can concern yourself with bigger things -- you catch a pearl and ride the dragon's wings." -Wetton/Downes, 1982 |
1-7 December 2024 | "I'm strolling on the edge of a two-lane highway -- my car's alright -- it's me that's broken down." -Paul Cotton, 1988 |
24-30 November 2024 | "The very reason we need to respond to the anomaly is also the same reason we can't." -Anonymous Discrepancy Report Originator, 2024 |
17-23 November 2024 | "I am told that my life is a clipper the sea of time has tossed about, and I know that there's only one skipper who can guide that ship about." -Gene Clark, 1977 |
10-16 November 2024 | "For nickels and dimes, he could play his guitar he could rhyme -- he could do it every time, whether in Denver or wherever." -Gene Clark, 1977 |
3-9 November 2024 | "I met my one-eyed thief while he looked around to steal another eye." -Kaye/McClure, 1972 |
26 October - 2 November 2024 | "I may be just an easy touch, taken for a whore." -Dave Mason, 1974 |
20-26 October 2024 | "To some I am a blessing, to others I'm a curse; I'm a writer not a fighter, I'm a person not a purse." -Dave Mason, 1974 |
13-19 October 2024 | "MTV, you spineless twerps. You refuse to play 'This Note's For You' because you're afraid to offend your sponsors. What does the "M" in MTV stand for: music or money?" -Neil Young, 6 July 1988 |
6-12 October 2024 | "Talk to me -- is it such a task? Talk to me -- you only have to ask." -Dave Mason, 1980 |
29 September - 5 October 2024 | "'Daddy, who's God, and what's on his mind?', 'That's a good question, I replied.'." -Dave Mason, 1975 |
22-28 September 2024 | "Before I leave, I certainly want to say thanks to all my friends who helped me on my way." -Jerry Lynn Williams, 1978 |
15-21 September 2024 | "I can't wait any longer for paradise -- I told you once, I'm not gonna tell you twice." -C. McVie, E. Quintela, 1990 |
8-14 September 2024 | "Have you heard about the ones who can't get to sleep at night, walking through their shoes in the neon light? There's a strain in their faces from the wind and the sand, of the far away places where they had to make a stand." -Paul Cotton, 1980 |
1-7 September 2024 | "Even cybersecurity software ... requires sound cybersecurity practices." -Steven T., 2024 |
25-31 August 2024 | "Wait in line, shut up, take off your shoes, remove all metal objects, no more than 3 ounces." -TSA agent, 2022 |
18-24 August 2024 | "The only thing worse than sending an email about a cybersecurity concern, is the inability to do so." -Steven T., 2024 |
11-17 August 2024 | "We all know how the rules are changin' from day to day -- that's the breaks, and I'm sorry -- some of us must be going, some of us have to stay." -Joe Walsh, 1972 |
4-10 August 2024 | "Never let a good crisis go to waste." -Winston Churchill |
28 July - 3 August 2024 | "Some things are over, some things go on; part of me you carry -- a part of me is gone." -Tom Petty, 1996 |
21-27 July 2024 | "All around your island, there's a barricade -- it keeps out the danger, it holds in the pain." -Tom Petty, 1996 |
14-20 July 2024 | "I can't go to school 'cause I ain't got a gun -- I ain't got a gun 'cause I ain't got a job -- I ain't got a job 'cause I can't go to school." -Alice Cooper, 1994 |
7-13 July 2024 | "What a lucky man to see the earth before it touched his hand -- what an angry fool to condemn." -Neil Young, 1990 |
30 June - 6 July 2024 | "Bill Maher thinking he's ever going to be able to follow someone like myself is an impossibility. He's a regular comic. It's like Johnny Mathis trying to follow Elvis Presley." -Andrew Dice Clay, 2011 |
23-29 June 2024 | "I've been beaten by the wind, robbed by the sleet, had my head stoved in, and I'm still on my feet, and I'm willin'." |
16-22 June 2024 | "When I ride the hounds of hell - twist my foot, I nearly fell - I was lucky I was alive - one look back, I could have died." -Downes/Wetton, 1982 |
9-15 June 2024 | "And from the wreckage I will arise -- cast the ashes back in their eyes -- see the fire I will defend -- just keep on burning right to the end." -Downes/Wetton, 1982 |
2-8 June 2024 | "No one dies healthy." -David Brenner, 19 May 1981 |
26 May - 1 June 2024 | "Hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head up, hold your head high." -R. Argent, C. White, 1971 |
19-25 May 2024 | "Well, it's a '49, '50, '51, '52, '53, '54, '55, '56, '57, '58' 59' automobile -- it's a '60, '61, '62, '63, '64, '65, '66, '67 '68, '69, '70 automobile."-W. Kemp, 1976 |
12-18 May 2024 | "See the rich man lost and lonely -- watch him as he dines, sitting there just testing all the wines, 'til it shines.." -B. Seger, 1978 |
5-11 May 2024 | "If you ask that's what I'll say -- it's not your business anyway." -Suzanne Vega, 1987 |
28 April - 4 May 2024 | "Can't seem to see where it doesn't get worse -- It's like one good thought getting lost in an angry verse." -Crosby/Raymond, 2013 |
21-27 April 2024 | "I've been lost now, days uncounted, and it's months since I've seen home - Can you hear me, can you hear me? Or am I all alone?" -M. Farner, 1970 |
14-20 April 2024 | "I can feel the hand of a stranger, and it's tightening around my throat - Heaven help me, Heaven help me. Take this stranger from my boat." -M. Farner, 1970 |
7-13 April 2024 | "I'm a troubled soul searching for peace in the night." -Crosby/Raymond, 2013 |
31 March - 6 April 2024 | "A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones who need the advice." -Bill Cosby |
24-30 March 2024 | "We've got to look beyond saying that every solution has to have a winner and a loser." -Bob Woodson, 18 April 2023 |
17-23 March 2024 | "If you think there's a solution, then you're part of the problem." -George Carlin, 20 March 1996 |
10-16 March 2024 | "In the bull$#!+ department, a businessman can't hold a candle to a clergyman." -George Carlin, 1999 |
3-9 March 2024 | "Set that baggage down, brother." -Crosby/Fontayne, 2013 |
25 February - 2 March 2024 | "Hear the skies singing songs I could have played, too busy talking to prove that I was not afraid." -McGuinn/Levy, 1970 |
18-24 February 2024 | "That which is not real does not exist." -McGuinn/Hillman, 1967 |
11-17 February 2024 | "Now some small parts seem right scattered here and there -- one smiling face in a crowd that's angry and scared." -Crosby/Raymond, 2013 |
4-10 February 2024 | "Make it breathe, make it sweat, go as deep as you can get." -Crosby/Eaton/Raymond, 2013 |
28 January - 3 February 2024 | "Spend Christmas Eve in a library? Why don't you just kick me in the 'nads?" -Michael Kelso, 17 December 2003 |
21-27 January 2024 | "The easiest way to fall is leaning on someone you love." -Dunbar/Wayne/Lavette, 1970 |
14-20 January 2024 | "Who wants to buy what's broken?" -James Raymond, 2014 |
7-13 January 2024 | "Done throw'd a stick in my spokes." -Sterling Marlin |
31 December 2023 - 6 January 2024 | "To live is to suffer -- to survive is to find meaning in the suffering." -Gordon Allport |
24-30 December 2023 | "You're the only one you can blame, 'cause the world don't owe you a thing." -Holland/Dozier, 1970 |
17-23 December 2023 | "With foxes we must play the fox." -Thomas Fuller |
10-16 December 2023 | "If you don't know where you're going, every road will get you nowhere." -Henry Kissinger |
3-9 December 2023 | "DEI without Dale Earnhardt Jr. is a museum." -(Unconfirmed), 2007 |
26 November - 2 December 2023 | "Have you ever felt a Southern night, free as a breeze, not to mention the trees whistlin' tunes that you know and love so?" -Allan Toussaint, 1975 |
19-25 November 2023 | "That was a s***show last night." -Tony Stewart, on Phoenix Truck Series race, 04 November 2023 |
12-18 November 2023 | "I sassed back at my mom, I sassed back at my teacher, I got thrown out of bible school for giving the finger to the preacher." -Neil Young, 1989 |
5-11 November 2023 | "One person's misinformation is another person's information." -Elon Musk, 2023 |
29 October - 4 November 2023 | "I started out younger at most everything ... all the riches and pleasures --what else could life bring?" -Gram Parsons, 1968 |
22-28 October 2023 | "It's a hard way to find out that trouble is real, in a far away city, with a far away feel." -Gram Parsons, 1968 |
15-21 October 2023 | "There was an old man, kind and wise with age, and he read me just like a book, and he never missed a page, and I loved him like my father, and I loved him like my friend, and I knew his time would shortly come, but I did not know just when." -Gram Parsons, 1973 |
8-14 October 2023 | "Singing is like going to an analyst and spilling your guts." -Greg Allman, 2011 |
1-7 October 2023 | "Well, the queen of spades is a friend of mine, the queen of hearts is a bitch; Someday when I clean up my mind I'll find out which is which." -Gram Parsons, 1973 |
24-30 September 2023 | "Power and money didn't solve problems, it just changed the face of them." -J. D. Souther, 1994 |
17-23 September 2023 | "[AI] has nothing to do with music -- It can't destroy a hotel room, it can't throw a TV off the fifth floor into the pool and get it right in the middle." -Joe Walsh, 2023 |
10-16 September 2023 | "You better watch what you say -- you better watch what you do to me -- don't get carried away." -Tom Petty, 1982 |
3-9 September 2023 | "Unifying the standards followed in any set of systems and technologies is rational and practical. From another viewpoint, however, imposing uniformity is a symbolic gesture linked to power, conquest and domination." -Rev. Paul Gabor, 2023 |
27 August - 2 September 2023 | "There were times apart, there were times together; I was pledged to her for worse or better." -T. Petty, 1987 |
20-26 August 2023 | "Though they did hurt me so bad, in the fear and alarm, you did not desert me, my brothers in arms." -M. Knopfler, 1985 |
13-19 August 2023 | "What a frickin' high-maintenance a$$hole!" -Dale Earnhardt Jr., on steak-ordering colleague, 2 August 2023 |
6-12 August 2023 | "I have lived behind walls that have made me alone, striven for peace which I never have known." -M. Knopfler, 1985 |
30 July - 5 August 2023 | "Whatever life may hold in store, things will happen that you won't be ready for." -J. Browne, 1982 |
23-29 July 2023 | "There's no use running -- it's not against the law." -Blackmore/Gillan/Glover, 1984 |
16-22 July 2023 | "I know good loving and I'm a friend of pain -- but when I read between the lines, it's all the same." -Coverdale/Galley, 1983 |
9-15 July 2023 | "I watched it all come down, to reflector shades and telegrams at dawn, changing highways, on and on, I'm gone -- been there too long." -Graham Nash, 2023 |
2-8 July 2023 | "Rise up your soul will thank you, rise up you've got to survive, rise up into your future, rise up and you’ll feel alive." -Graham Nash, 2023 |
25 June - 1 July 2023 | "Golden idols shine in the sun, blinding everyone." -Graham Nash, 2023 |
18-24 June 2023 | "They listened to their elders having their say, but when they started bickering they turned away." -Graham Nash, 2023 |
11-17 June 2023 | "Right now, here I am, still living my life." -Graham Nash, 2023 |
4-10 June 2023 | "I'm still standing better than I ever did, looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid." -John/Taupin, 1983 |
28 May - 3 June 2023 | "I'm gonna destroy you, and your reputation don't count for nothing with me 'cause I'm an old bitch, you see ... and my heart's in the right place, don't you agree?" -John/Osborne, 1981 |
21-27 May 2023 | "You gotta go where the feeling flows and take it while it's hot -- you gotta give if you wanna get, and I want all you've got." -John/Osborne, 1981 |
14-20 May 2023 | "Don't do me like that." -Tom Petty, 1979 |
7-13 May 2023 | "Hard times are over." -Yoko Ono, 1980 |
30 April - 6 May 2023 | "You say there's a limit there, she can't go past that -- she don't believe you, she don't think that's where it's at." -McGuinn/Crosby, 1966 |
23-29 April 2023 | "Keep sayin' no to her, since she was a baby -- keep sayin' no to her, not even maybe -- Why?" -McGuinn/Crosby, 1966 |
16-22 April 2023 | "While victimization is inevitable, victimhood is optional." -Pastor James Ward Jr., 28 March 2023 |
9-15 April 2023 | "Can someone please tell Ms. Pilgrim her constant cackle is very annoying? Now we have two stereophonic hens cackling in sync. Janai not only cackles, but is way too loud." -Review of Good Morning America Weekend Edition, 28 August 2021 |
2-8 April 2023 | "Admit that the waters around you have grown, and accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone, ... and you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone." -Bob Dylan, 1963 |
26 March - 1 April 2023 | "The present now will later be past, for the times -- they are a-changin'." -Bob Dylan, 1963 |
19-25 March 2023 | "The first one now, will later be last." -Bob Dylan, 1963 |
12-18 March 2023 | "You gave away the things you love, and one of them was me." -Carly Simon, 1972 |
5-11 March 2023 | "I won't be coming home tonight -- my generation will put it right -- we're not just making promises that we know we'll never keep." -Rutherford/Banks/Collins, 1986 |
26 February - 4 March 2023 | "Work your hands, not your mouth." -Junior Johnson |
19-25 February 2023 | "There's too many men -- too many people -- making too many problems." -Rutherford/Banks/Collins, 1986 |
12-18 February 2023 | "I've been waiting for two thousand years -- that's a lot of blood, and a lot of tears." -James Raymond, 2001 |
5-11 February 2023 | "I came back to Jerusalem just to see if the light had changed, but it all seems about the same." -James Raymond, 2001 |
29 January - 4 February 2023 | "Did you make amends, with all of the ones, under your guns? -- how have you treated your friends?" -David Crosby, 1998 |
22-28 January 2023 | "When you own a big chunk of the bloody Third World, the babies just come with the scenery." -Chrissie Hynde, 1983 |
15-21 January 2023 | "The planet will be here -- we'll be long gone, just another failed mutation, just another closed-end biological mistake, an evolutionary cul de sac -- the planet will shake us off like a bad case of fleas -- a surface nuisance." -George Carlin |
8-14 January 2023 |
"I guess I've seen my share of oceans -- I've seen all the waves I
want to see; now I'm only going through the motions, and now there's
only one thing that I ever want to see -- I want to see lights across
the ocean." - Rick Roberts, 1973 |
1-7 January 2023 | "Take the chip off of my shoulder, smooth out all the lines, take me out among the rustling pines, 'til it shines." -Bob Seger, 1978 |
25-31 December 2022 | "Who wants to play those eights and aces? Who wants a raise? Who needs a stake? Who wants to take that long shot gamble and head out to Fire Lake?" -Bob Seger, 1980 |
18-24 December 2022 | "I hate to say I told you so, but baby, you got to reap what you sow." -Jackson/Tubbs, 1966 |
11-17 December 2022 | "Must I live my whole life through, not knowing what to do?" -Gosdin/Gosdin/Gosdin, 1969 |
4-10 December 2022 | "There must be someone I can turn to -- someone like me, lonely too; all my life I've been alone -- got no friends, got no home." -Gosdin/Gosdin/Gosdin, 1969 |
27 November - 3 December 2022 | "I bet he comes to pit road ... if he was smart, he -- well, he ain't too smart." -Dale Earnhardt, on Jeff Gordon qualifying in the rain at Michigan, 1995 |
20-26 November 2022 | "What the f#$% has Kyle Petty got to do with this?" -Dale Earnhardt Jr., 29 July 2022 |
13-19 November 2022 | "Today no one cares -- tomorrow no one shares, because they all will be gone." -Neil Young, 2022 |
6-12 November 2022 | "When Neil is involved in anything, you need a seat belt." -Stephen Stills, 2011 |
30 October - 5 November 2022 | "I never lost a job while leading a race." -Buddy Baker |
23-29 October 2022 | "People don’t understand that when I’m on the show I’m totally relaxed, hanging out, having a fun time, watching videos, and being goofy. Sometimes I say stupid comments, just being funny, and people think I’m a dumb person." -Chanel West Coast |
16-22 October 2022 | "She knows the difference between an M16 and a chicken-fried steak." -Jim Rockford, 1977 |
9-15 October 2022 | "Do you really think I care, what you eat or what you wear? I want you to join together in the band." -Pete Townshend, 1972 |
2-8 October 2022 | "It's the singer, not the song, that makes the music move along." -Pete Townshend, 1972 |
25 September - 1 October 2022 | "The first loss is the best loss." -Jim Rogers, 1999 |
18-24 September 2022 | "Why don't you go sit on a tac?!?" -Ed Higgins |
11-17 September 2022 | "Funny how the night moves, when you just don't seem to have as much to lose." -Bob Seger, 1976 |
4-10 September 2022 | "My church is the forest, the ocean, and the wild places. This is where I go to communicate with the Creator Spirit." -Dan Fogelberg, 1990 |
28 August - 3 September 2022 | "When you're taking and you could be giving, when you're dying and you could be living, don't forget love." -Neil Young, 2022 |
21-27 August 2022 | "There's a warning sign on the road ahead -- there's a lot of people saying 'we'd be better off dead'." -Neil Young, 1989 |
14-20 August 2022 | "It's not worth anything more than this at all -- I live as I choose or I will not live at all." -Delores O'Riordan, 1996 |
7-13 August 2022 | "I never learned anything while I was talking." -Mark Twain |
31 July - 6 August 2022 | "Life is too short to be mean to strangers online. Go outside and look at some trees." -Lynda Carter, 17 July 2022 |
24-30 July 2022 | "All the things that you've heard are true -- I don't remember a lot about it but the depositions in court and police reports ..." -Joe Walsh, 2017 |
17-23 July 2022 | "Music doesn't sound good perfect for some reason." -Joe Walsh |
10-16 July 2022 | "I know they're cheating because we're cheating and we're not winning." -Dale Earnhardt |
3-9 July 2022 | "He's alright for a session guy -- Campbell thinks he's gonna make it as a solo act someday." -Characterization of Mike Love, TV Movie, 1990 |
26 June - 2 July 2022 | "Why should it matter to us if they don't approve? We should just take our chances while we've got nothin' to lose." -Kirsty MacColl, 1979 |
19-25 June 2022 | "World spinning out of control -- the odds diminish every die we throw." -Dan Fogelberg, 1984 |
12-18 June 2022 | "Each year we find newer ways to turn this planet into empty space." -Dan Fogelberg, 1984 |
5-11 June 2022 | "There'll be a load of compromisin on the road to my horizon -- but I'm gonna be where the light is shining on me." -Larry Weiss, 1974 |
29 May - 4 June 2022 | "Some have a style that they work hard to refine -- so they walk a crooked line." -Jules Shear, 1985 |
22-28 May 2022 | "A smile relieves a heart that grieves." -Jagger/Richards, 1981 |
15-21 May 2022 | "We won't solve the climate crisis until we solve the misinformation crisis." -Rep. Ro Khanna, 2021 |
8-14 May 2022 | "The stingy man always pays the most." -Click & Clack, 1992 |
1-7 May 2022 | "Never judge someone's story by the chapter you walk in on." -Chynna Phillips, 2022 |
24-30 April 2022 | "F#$% hope!" -George Carlin, 1994 |
17-23 April 2022 | "She could have turned out to be almost anyone -- almost anyone -- with the possible exception of who I wanted her to be." -Jackson Browne, 1979 |
10-16 April 2022 | "Even the steps backwards are part of the dance." -Chynna Phillips, 2022 |
3-9 April 2022 | "These people I'm talking to don't understand -- don't seem to realize -- they're listening but they're not hearing me -- they're being too cruel to be kind." -Phil Collins, 1982 |
27 March - 2 April 2022 | "All day long he was fighting for you, and he didn't even know your name; young men come and young men go, but life goes on just the same." -Phil Collins, 1989 |
20-26 March 2022 | "The Eastern World is exploding -- violence flaring -- bullets loading." -P. F. Sloan, 1964 |
13-19 March 2022 | "Well it feels like something you want so bad, and then you think you've got it, but it's something you already had." -Phil Collins, 1981 |
6-12 March 2022 | "Our dreams of Endless Summer were just too grandiose -- adios, adios." -Jimmy Webb, 1989 |
27 February - 5 March 2022 | "We never really made it, but we came pretty close -- adios, adios." -Jimmy Webb, 1989 |
20-26 February 2022 | "Well the older generation -- they got something to say -- but they better say it fast, or get outta the way." -Neil Young, 2002 |
13-19 February 2022 | "That music is terrible! Is that Meatloaf?" -Co-worker, 1996 |
6-12 February 2022 | "I'd like to shake your hand, disappointment -- looks like you win again -- but this time might be the last." -Neil Young, 2002 |
30 January - 5 February 2022 | "Don't you give up now -- so easy to find -- just look to your soul and open your mind." -Gray, James, Vale, 1968 |
23-29 January 2022 | "Shadows of a golden age -- a generation waits for dawn; brave carry on, bold and the strong." -Cain, Perry, Schon, 1983 |
16-22 January 2022 | "Do you know what I love most about baseball? The pine tar, the resin, the grass, the dirt. And that’s just in the hot dogs." -David Letterman |
9-15 January 2022 | "The U.S. is the only country where a significant proportion of the population believes that professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was faked." -David Letterman |
2-8 January 2022 | "Try to make sense, and then give up -- it'll come to you right when you stop." -David Crosby & Dean Parks, 2021 |
26 December 2021 - 1 January 2022 | "You got to find your lifeline and pick up your thread and tell your story before you're dead." -David Crosby & Dean Parks, 2021 |
19-25 December 2021 | "I'm facing a squall like that of a thousand-year storm -- I don't know if I'm dying or about to be born." -David Crosby & James Raymond, 2021 |
12-18 December 2021 | "I'm standing on the porch like it's the edge of a cliff -- beyond the grass and gravel lies a certain abyss -- and I don't think I will try it today." -David Crosby & James Raymond, 2021 |
5-11 December 2021 | "Only the young can say, they're free to fly away, sharing the same desire, burnin' like wildfire." -Cain, Perry, Schon, 1983 |
28 November - 4 December 2021 | "Monogamy isn't a hardwood from Brazil." -Walter "Herbie" Herbert, 2001 |
21-27 November 2021 | "You can't fight what you can't see -- I'm a P.I., not an artillery spotter." -James Rockford, 9 January 1976 |
14-20 November 2021 | "High noon works only if you know who's getting off the train." -James Rockford, 20 February 1976 |
7-13 November 2021 | "I'm asking perfect strangers if I look to be alright." -David Crosby & James Raymond, 2021 |
31 October - 6 November 2021 | "You can't overdose on music." -David Crosby, 5 October 2021 |
24-30 October 2021 | "Cocaine is God's way of saying, 'You have too much money!'." -Robin Williams, 14 October 1981 |
17-23 October 2021 | "This machine kills fascists." -Woodie Guthrie guitar sticker |
10-16 October 2021 | "She believes that sacred things don't need explaining." -A. Moore & P. Riley, 2014 |
3-9 October 2021 | "Hide your fire, but keep it lit; burn the stuff that you can't use; make a map that you can't lose." -David Crosby & Dean Parks, 2021 |
26 September - 2 October 2021 | "You got to walk on water and float on air, and go to sleep where you make your bed, and make your bed where you won't get hit." -David Crosby & Dean Parks, 2021 |
19-25 September 2021 | "Nobody shot at me today." -David Crosby & Dean Parks, 2021 |
12-18 September 2021 | "I was so poor that I couldn't pay attention." -Dr. Phil, 2021 |
5-11 September 2021 | "Hey, it's the Daytona 500." -Drunk bar patron, upon seeing TV broadcast of ARCA race at Kansas in May |
29 August - 4 September 2021 | "No one wants to quit when he's losing and no one wants to quit when he's winning." -Richard Petty |
22-28 August 2021 | "Silence means compliance." -Workplace nudnik, 2021 |
15-21 August 2021 | "That's three points for me -- take your best shot, Harvey." -Unidentified, from the movie How Sweet It Is!, 1968 |
8-14 August 2021 | "I've got a place of my own -- a little slice -- there's a sliver of air between the water and the ice -- it's where I live, where I breathe." -David Crosby & James Raymond, 2021 |
1-7 August 2021 | "I won't stay for long." -David Crosby & James Raymond, 2021 |
25-31 July 2021 | "The difference between winners and losers is that winners do things that losers don't want to do." -Dr. Phil |
18-24 July 2021 | "People, stop hurting people." -P. Townshend, 1982 |
11-17 July 2021 | "Without your match, there is no flame." -P. Townshend, 1982 |
4-10 July 2021 | "Creativity is intelligence having fun." -Albert Einstein |
27 June - 3 July 2021 | "50 percent of the solution to any problem lies in defining it." -Dr. Phil, 2015 |
20-26 June 2021 | "Caught in the haze of misunderstood ways and in trying to make myself heard -- spent too much time tryin' to get to my mind, when all that I need is sweet music to wade through the years." -Dave Mason, 1975 |
13-19 June 2021 | "Let the river rise, open up the skies, time won't slip away -- let the clock run out, don't care about it, not today." -David Crosby, James Raymond, Michael McDonald, 2021 |
6-12 June 2021 | "The wind has its own language spoken by the trees." -David Crosby, James Raymond, Michael McDonald, 2021 |
30 May - 5 June 2021 | "I don't think that people should be looking for causes just to say they have a cause -- I don't think that has anything to do with making music." -David Crosby, 1977 |
23-29 May 2021 | "Boy, we'll win every damn race 'til they catch us." -Junior Johnson, 1994 |
16-22 May 2021 | "The best way to make a small fortune in racing is to start with a big one." -Junior Johnson |
9-15 May 2021 | "Put it out!" -Clint Bowyer, 2021 |
2-8 May 2021 | "Just one more fix lord, might do the trick -- one hell of a price for you to get your kicks." -Collins & Van Zant, 1977 |
25 April - 1 May 2021 | "You say you'll be all right come tomorrow, but tomorrow might not be here for you." -Collins & Van Zant, 1977 |
18-24 April 2021 | "Nothing ventured, nothing gained, there's nothing left to lose, except to find out for yourself the things you always knew." -D. Mason, 1978 |
11-17 April 2021 | "Turn off the lights, the party just got wilder." -Dan Rather, 7 November 2000 |
4-10 April 2021 | "If you stick your finger in a rattlesnake's mouth and get bit, don't complain." -Larry McReynolds, 14 March 2021 |
28 March - 3 April 2021 | "If you want to play follow the leader, you end up following the leader." -Larry McReynolds, 14 March 2021 |
21-27 March 2021 | "Some say life will beat you down, break your heart, steal your crown." -Tom Petty, 1991 |
14-20 March 2021 | "The good ol' days may not return, and the rocks might melt, and the sea may burn." -Tom Petty, 1991 |
7-13 March 2021 | "There's nothing sadder than seeing old people trying to be happy." -Gilbert Bates, 1962 |
28 February - 6 March 2021 | "It takes a stiff upper lip to face it alone -- say goodbye to the grip." -Dave Mason, 1980 |
21-27 February 2021 | "Sorry, I couldn't find a phone booth to change in." -Sergeant TJ Hooker, 1982 |
14-20 February 2021 | "Stop going after headlines and go after facts!" -Sergeant TJ Hooker, 1982 |
7-13 February 2021 | "There's no love insurance when you're out on your own." -Dave Mason, 1980 |
31 January - 6 February 2021 | "Communication is not subject to chain of command -- Somewhere, an O-4's head just exploded reading this ….. Communication should travel via the shortest path necessary to get the job done, not through the chain of command ..... Any manager who attempts to enforce chain of command communication will soon find themselves working elsewhere." -Elon Musk, 2021 |
24-30 January 2021 | "She looked at me and smiled and said, 'You must be insane -- you know I've got more money than the sky's got rain -- it don't look like you've got nothing but a hope and a wish -- you know what I am baby -- I'm a Hollywood b*itch!'" -Dave Mason, 1978 |
17-23 January 2021 | "If by chance that we should meet you wouldn't recognize me on the street, 'cause you are you and I am me and never the twain shall meet." -Dave Mason, 1978 |
10-16 January 2021 | "The returns are running like a squirrel in a cage." -Dan Rather, 7 November 2000 |
3-9 January 2021 | "The polls have been veering and wobbling so much that neither NASA nor the Russian Cosmodrome can track 'em." -Dan Rather, 7 November 2000 |
27 December 2020 - 2 January 2021 | "Sorry, I did something last night and I already made plans for sometime." -Melissa, from That 70s Show, 9 October 2001 |
20-26 December 2020 | "That will have the Bush people in Austin jumping out of their seats like they were stabbed with hat pins." -Dan Rather, 7 November 2000 |
13-19 December 2020 | "To err is human; to really foul up requires a computer." -Dan Rather, 7 November 2000 |
6-12 December 2020 | "It was as hot and squalid as a New York elevator in August." -Dan Rather, 7 November 2000 |
29 November - 5 December 2020 | "We have two ears, and one mouth, for a reason." -Dr. Phil, November 2020 |
22-28 November 2020 | "We can't permit inflammation without information." -Governor Chris Christie, 5 November 2020 |
15-21 November 2020 | "Mathematics doesn't care about your feelings." -Chuck Todd, 6 November 2020 |
8-14 November 2020 | "Tony Glover was doing an interview one time outside of the hauler, and he's terrified of snakes so I found a fan belt and just cut it in half. He didn't see me coming because he had his back to me, and the guys with cameras filming, I'm going 'shhh.' I threw it around his neck and I mean -- if they had fined you back then for cussing on TV he would've been broke. He run off and never finished the interview." -Sterling Marlin, 2002 |
1-7 November 2020 | "NEXT CAR PLEASE!" -Rude, physically aggressive bellhop, Honolulu Airport, 23 November 1979 |
25-31 October 2020 | "Authorities who don't have ears to hear, don't have brains to govern." -Proverb |
18-24 October 2020 | "I come to you tonight in the midst of a very important election between two very qualified candidates: the hot lady and the Tiger Woods guy." -Will Ferrell as George W. Bush, 23 October 2008 |
11-17 October 2020 | "Will you shut up, man!" -Former Vice President Joe Biden, 29 September 2020 |
4-10 October 2020 | "All you singers and your lovely songs -- try so very hard to make them all belong -- some get taken; others forsaken -- we keep a movin' a right along." -Paul Cotton, 1973 |
27 September - 3 October 2020 | "Politicians, and your writers, trading people's dreams -- you've got moon blindness -- while you're reaching up for the winner's cup, keep your feet on the ground and your ears on what is coming down." -Paul Cotton, 1973 |
20-26 September 2020 | "You don't need no love in, you don't need no bed pan, you don't need a horoscope or a microscope to see the mess that you're in." -George Harrison, 1971 |
13-19 September 2020 | "Isn't it a pity, isn't is a shame -- how we break each other's hearts and cause each other pain." -George Harrison, 1971 |
6-12 September 2020 | "I'm just here so I don't get fined." -Marshawn Lynch, 2015 |
30 August - 5 September 2020 | "Watch out now -- take care, beware of greedy leaders." -G. Harrison, 1970 |
23-29 August 2020 | "You don't need no church house, and you don't need no temple; you don't need no rosary beads or them books to read to see that you have fallen." -G. Harrison, 1970 |
16-22 August 2020 | "I only know that when I'm in it, it isn't silly, no, it isn't silly -- love isn't silly at all." -P. McCartney, 1976 |
9-15 August 2020 | "We've taken sides in anger and we can't back down -- now we're fighting just to bring the other down -- and if you think to stop it now, then the next time we'll know how." -Sebastian/Yanovsky, 1966 |
2-8 August 2020 | "When the dawn comes to leave, why does light have to be like the mirror that's showin' I'm older? And the sun don't feel good and I ask how I could, when it feels like a crow on my shoulder." -Sebastian/Butler, 1966 |
26 July - 1 August 2020 | "I don't listen to their wasted lines -- got my eyes wide open and I see the signs." -Kirsty MacColl, 1979 |
19-25 July 2020 | "The days go by and you wish you were a different guy -- different friends and a new set of clothes. You make alterations and effect a new pose, a new house, a new car, a new job, a new nose. But it's superficial and it's only skin deep, because the voices in your head keep shouting in your sleep, 'Get back!'" -Ray Davies, 1984 |
12-18 July 2020 | "None of us are really strangers -- we're just friends that haven't met." -Bobby Allison, 2013 |
5-11 July 2020 | "The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size." -Gary Nelson, 1997 |
28 June - 4 July 2020 | "Who took everything from where it once was, and put it where it last was seen?" -Neil Young, 1976 |
21-27 June 2020 | "Fez, I know it's hard for a foreigner to understand our complicated capitalist system. But we're dealing with quarters here, not frogs or chickens." -Michael Kelso, 2001 |
14-20 June 2020 | "No light fantastic ever crosses my mind -- that meditation stuff can make you go blind." -Spinal Tap, 1976 |
7-13 June 2020 | "Just crank that music to the point of pain -- why waste good music on a brain?" -Spinal Tap, 1976 |
31 May - 6 June 2020 | "We're in this together and ever." -Spinal Tap, 1992 |
24-30 May 2020 | "May I start by saying how thrilled we are to have you here, we are such fans of your music and all of your records -- I'm not speaking of yours personally but the whole genre of the rock and roll and some of the exciting things happening in music today." -Lt. Bob Hookstratten, 1982 |
17-23 May 2020 | "Crosby should write an introspective book: Why People Won’t Talk to Me Anymore." -Neil Young, 2019 |
10-16 May 2020 | "He didn't have to be Ernest Hemingway." -Anonymous, 2020 |
3-9 May 2020 | "'I bet you've seen the cloud we make that covers up our rain -- I wonder if you'll hide behind a shroud like that, some day?" -Al "The Blind Owl" Wilson, 1969 |
26 April - 2 May 2020 | "'Grown up'? Well, you sure say that a lot, so it must be true. Let me try it: Hey, everybody, I'm Mr. Rogers ..... But wait, I'm not wearing a sweater ..... and I'm about to kick your ass." -Red Foreman, 1978 |
19-25 April 2020 | "You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs." -Tommy Chong, 2017 |
12-18 April 2020 | "The last I knew of Bill France, Jr., he woulda had to went to 4th grade 3 more years to get a idiot's license." -Smokey Yunick, 1995 |
5-11 April 2020 | "Who just dialed in? ..... Who just dialed in? ..... Who just dialed in? ..... Who just dialed in? ..... Who just dialed in? ..... Who just dialed in? ..... Who just dialed in? ..... Who just dialed in? ..... Who just dialed in? ..... Who just dialed in? ..... Who just dialed in? ..... Who just dialed in?" -Teleconference moderator, 26 March 2020 |
29 March - 4 April 2020 | "You just weren't good enough, punk." -Sergeant TJ Hooker, 1982 |
22-28 March 2020 | "You need to learn how to read the stitches on the fastball." -Rush Limbaugh, 17 February 2020 |
15-21 March 2020 | "Take the time to close your eyes and look around, because everyone who helps you out can let you down." -Neil Young, 1967 |
8-14 March 2020 | "I could've drove the sonofabitch to Jacksonville with what I had in it." -Smokey Yunick, 1992 |
1-7 March 2020 | "See, it's not fake news, it's really me. Now, what's a hashtag?" -Sterling Marlin's first Tweet, 6 August 2018 |
23-29 February 2020 | "You never stood in that man's shoes, or saw things through his eyes, or stood and watched with helpless hands while the heart inside you dies..... So help your brother along the road, no matter where he starts, for the same God that made you made him too -- these men with broken hearts." -Hank Williams, 1951 |
16-22 February 2020 | "The image is one thing and the human being is another...it’s very hard to live up to an image." -Elvis, 1972 |
9-15 February 2020 | "Whether you're gay, straight, you can't tell anybody who to love and who to marry. It's unconstitutional and it's morally wrong." -Andrew Dice Clay |
2-8 February 2020 | "It doesn't matter if you get it -- it's funny!" -Andrew Dice Clay, 1989 |
26 January - 1 February 2020 | "Tell Bill I said, 'Have a Coke and a smile and shut the f#$% up!'" -Richard Pryor, 1983 |
19-25 January 2020 | "What the f#$% was that?!?" -Kyle Petty, 24 June 2007 |
12-18 January 2020 | "Herb, tell Junior to kiss my ass!" -Bobby Allison, 1972 |
5-11 January 2020 | "He's gonna spend public money, our tax dollars, to notify the guy that fired me that I'm out of work!" -Archie Bunker, 1976 |
29 December 2019 - 4 January 2020 | "You're gonna get Reagan in 1980, wise guy!" -Archie Bunker, 1976 |
22-28 December 2019 | "You can't squeeze blood out of a tulip." -Archie Bunker, 1977 |
15-21 December 2019 | "Don't you know that the whole world puts on a sock and a sock and a shoe and a shoe?" -Archie Bunker, 1973 |
8-14 December 2019 | "What about this overcrowded land -- How much more abuse from man can she stand?" -Marvin Gaye, 1971 |
1-7 December 2019 | "My old man during the depression was broke -- didn't have the money to buy food, pay the rent -- he had to run around and put the arm on all the relations for a $5 here and a $10 there -- it broke his heart, and they all called him a 'moocher' - a 'moocher'! The last thing he said to me before he died was, 'don't ever borrow from relations or they'll call you a moocher', and when he died I had to borrow the money to plant him, and what do you think the relations called me? 'Son-of-a-moocher'!" -Archie Bunker, 1976 |
24-30 November 2019 | "Time was when we could agree -- that time's gone -- now you find fault with me." -Canned Heat, 1969 |
17-23 November 2019 | "You know, there’s a philosopher who says, 'As you live your life, it appears to be anarchy and chaos, and random events, non-related events, smashing into each other and causing this situation or that situation, and then, this happens, and it’s overwhelming, and it just looks like what in the world is going on ? And later, when you look back at it, it looks like a finely crafted novel. But at the time, it don’t.'" -Joe Walsh, 2013 |
10-16 November 2019 | "Leave me alone, won't you leave me alone, please leave me alone now, yeah leave me alone, oh leave me alone, please leave me alone, yes leave me, leave me, leave me alone won't you leave me alone, please leave me alone, no leave me alone, yeah leave me along, just leave me alone, oh leave me, leave me." -Helen Reddy, 1973 |
3-9 November 2019 | "It's kind of a special feeling when you're out on the sea alone -- staring at the full moon like a lover." -Glenn Shorrock, 1979 |
27 October - 2 November 2019 | "If there's one thing in my life that's missing -- it's the time that I spend alone, sailing on the cool and bright clear water." -Glenn Shorrock, 1979 |
20-26 October 2019 | "I'm a kiss-stealin', wheelin' dealin', truck drivin' son of a gun." -Dave Dudley, 1965 |
13-19 October 2019 | "Leaders fall, leaders rise, terror wears a thin disguise -- not much room for compromise." -Neil Young, 1987 |
6-12 October 2019 | "Rommel wore a ring on his finger -- he only took it off when he flew his plane -- once he told me why -- he said 'we all have to fly, someday' -- we all have to fly, someday." -Neil Young, 1989 |
29 September - 5 October 2019 | "If you don't really know where you want to go, it makes no difference which road you take." -Neil Young, 1987 |
22-28 September 2019 | "If you take a carburetor apart and put it together enough times, you will eventually have two of them." -David Taylor, 2019 |
15-21 September 2019 | "I was a Catholic until I reached the age of reason." -George Carlin, 2005 |
8-14 September 2019 | "The only tired I was, was tired of giving in." -Rosa Parks, 1992 |
1-7 September 2019 | "If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?" -George Carlin |
25-31 August 2019 | "It's called 'The American Dream', because you have to be asleep to believe it." -George Carlin, 2005 |
18-24 August 2019 | "If you send a letter to the Post Office, who delivers it?" -George Carlin, 1989 |
11-17 August 2019 | "Did you ever wake up in the morning and realize that so far everything has happened prior to now?" -George Carlin, 1985 |
4-10 August 2019 | 'Undisputed Heavyweight Champion'? Well if it's undisputed, what's all the fighting about?" -George Carlin, 1994 |